Something real and important has brought you to this moment, looking for help.
       You need some support or guidance. Natural counseling is an approach that is holistic and active. Natural Counseling uses a Somatic or body oriented approach, it can help you get out of your head or around confusion. This approach takes the usual talk therapy to a deeper, more effective level. At your pace, we uncover and explore the patterns that can seem to control you. This creates openings for new experiences and healthier possibilities.
Natural Counseling allows the body’s wisdom to guide the path toward change. Unlike traditional forms of therapy, in Natural Counseling, the body is part of the process. Using tools such as mindful attention, body awareness and talking, we can uncover unconscious beliefs and patterns. For example, patterns are often expressed through habitual movements, breathing patterns or physical signs of stress or tension. Bringing attention to and working with these movements and signs can gently disarm or even avoid the defensive reactions that operate automatically to keep our deeper experience hidden even from ourselves. This "somatic" or body-oriented work allows us greater access to our core issues.
     * Understand and release old patterns
     * Find the strength to support you through life's challenges
     * Heal wounds in a safe, loving and supportive environment
     * Tap into your natural creativity and aliveness